Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I'm back...sorta

I know I've been completely neglecting you all and I'm sorry about that. Life is so busy right now! I have a big event this weekend and leading up to it has taken all of my energy. But I'm having a blast at the new job and meeting lots of cool peeps.

Speaking of peeps, can you believe the plane crash thing on the upper east side? I work 20 blocks away which sounds far, but was close enough for me to hear all the sirens blaring for a good four hours.

Anyhoo, have to make this short, but just wanted to let everyone know I'm alive and more than kickin'.

I promise to get better - just let me get through the next week or so!

Your Girl

2 souls spinning:

At 9:32 AM, October 13, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First! Welcome back girl.
Only 26 and got a new fab job? Congrats!

At 12:52 PM, October 13, 2006, Blogger Your Girl said...

Thank you! I'm lovin' the new gig.


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